Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What we need is a good, 50 ct, Female President

The feminist movement was an elitist engineered i.e. (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Dupont and others in our royalty), again using any number of Progressive think tanks, and Feminist organizations, and enlisting women followers as their useful idiots. Their mission was to destroy the male headed, single family household thereby attaining "Equality" only obtainable feasting on the rotting carcass of the white American Male, whom BTW has become a human,endangered species. It has obviously worked famously given the state of American family, dysfunctional as it is and of course at least two generations of thoroughly screwed up kids that can't even seem to be able to correctly determine their gender identity.

They employed the same dizzy, manipulated female zealots to pass prohibition (Eighteenth Amendment) and give them the vote (19th Amendment) Even before Women's Suffrage became law, using the threat of voting all the men out of Congress when they got the vote if Congress did not pass the Volstead Act, Prohibition.

The 18th Amendment that was the cause of the greatest organized crime spree, murder and political corruption, more problems with alcohol abuse then there was even before making it illegal to drink alcohol. It was also the start of the key ingredients for a national depression that lasted all the way until the start of WWII.

One of the biggest mistakes men ever made was giving the females the power of the vote, to which they promptly abused with relish. Even today the crooked politicians that have been elected with their help have found that pandering to the women's vote pays off in dividends regarding their life long tenure as either Democrats or Republicans by manipulating the females into gun control movements like Handgun Control Inc from Sarah Brady and Mothers against Drunk driving that is responsible for endless Witch hunts that rival that of the War in Drugs.

Marx and Engels championed the destruction of male headed households, but all you good little Commie Progressives already know that, in the Communist Manifesto in 1848 saying that single family households dominated by men, were almost impossible to subjugate into to adopting their Communist agenda but not so with women as individuals and groups.

It is no coincidence that every despotic communist regime, the USSR and Mao's China being the largest in the past, had always put women in high party places (but not too high) along with the US now, in order for them to spout the orthodox communist party line being easily manipulated for the right price.

Just take a look at the Obama administration and (Clinton and Bush before him) and observe the large amount of female, ventriloquist dummies he has appointed and conspired with the Senate to confirm into positions of authority in his whitehouse and even the Supreme Court.

Ever listen to one of these unqualified, high level cabinet or incompetent department head broads when being grilled by a Senate or House Committee with even the most soft pedaled questions by the Congressional inquisitors regarding their monumental screw ups? The lapses in memory the invocations of 5th Amendment protects and the simple answers like one of the most famous of obfuscations to a committee, "It depends on what the meaning of Is IS", these broads must get all fuzzy inside while quoting from the Bill Clinton book of snowing a Congressional Committee.

Although I must admit, they learned much of their coverup and sand bagging from the male appointees that either preceded or are still there coaching them.

Yea what this country needs is a good, 50 cent, female president.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Germany wants what?


What a sack of self-serving Sheista. This list of Germans supposedly “concerned about war” includes none other than warmongers Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder. Conspicuous in his absence from the letter's signatories is Germany's most famous living writer and poet, Günter Grass, who at age seventeen was a private in the Waffen SS. Shortly before the 1990 German reunification, Grass wrote:

“...there can be no demand for a modern version of a unified nation that in the course of 75 years, though under several managements, filled the history books, ours and theirs, with suffering, rubble, defeat, millions of refugees, millions of dead, and the burden of crimes that can never be undone.”

In more recent years, Grass publicly condemned Merkel's government for providing nuclear submarines to Israel. And, as I've pointed out before on PP, Germany was arming Iran at the same time.

As for “peace-loving” Helmut Kohl, his first step IMMEDIATELY after German reunification (which was executed by himself, GHW Bush, James Baker, Robert Zoellick, and Günther Strassmer) was to instigate the Balkans war, effecting the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, bringing it (today) under tacit German control. The German public was actually opposed to Germany's machinations in the Balkans, but German leaders Kohl, Scharping, Schröder and Fischer, rather than following public opinion, shaped public opinion by concocting outrageous lies to justify war against Serbia, including (but not limited to) the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) concocting a non-existent Serbian “Operation Horseshoe,” vis a vis the “incubator babies” yarn. The leaders of “New Germany” put Goebbels to shame. This was documented in detail by a courageous German media film, "Es begann mit einer Lüge" (It Began With a Lie). Since that time, German forces are not only permanently in the Balkans, but now Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya. It's just one convenient "humanitarian catastrophy" after another. In fact, in 2003, on the basis of the increasing number of covert and overt German military operations in foreign countries, the Militärischer Abschirmdienst was 'officially' authorized to act abroad. I put the word 'officially' in quotes, given that at least one Militärischer Abschirmdienst member, Andreas Strassmeir, was active in Oklahoma in 1995.

The “New” (read: craftier) Germany has achieved, through economic manipulation, the domination of Europe that Hitler (and Hohenzollern) sought by force. Germany's slow wresting of economic control began, not coincidentally, with Truman's Korean War. Read about Germany and the “Korea Boom.” Crafty as they now are, however, it's nontheless been excruciatingly difficult for all of Germany's new generation of imperialists to keep their Köpfen großen from showing, i.e., to keep their foot out of their mouth. In May, 2011, German president Horst Koehler boasted:

"...military intervention is necessary to uphold our interests trade routes.... jobs and income."

With this one slip of the tongue, Koehler seriously damaged decades of propaganda finesse crafted to airbrush Germany's military resurgence. Angela Merkel's frantic, damage-control response was that Koehler's "choice of words had been unfortunate." Ja, unfortunately truthful. Within two days, Koeler was canned for this “unfortunate” slip of the tongue. Btw, it's no coincidence that Koehler was also head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which organization has done more toward population reduction than the Pentagon.

And “peace-loving” Gerhard Schröder publicly condemned Bush's Iraq War, while covertly providing Bush with intelligence and matériel support for that war. After these facts were leaked, in April 2006 the German Parliament authorized an investigation into Schröder and the BND's role in Bush's war. But...err...just as with US Congressional resolutions to...hrrmph...conduct an “investigation,”, it went nowhere.

The Die Zeit letter is, in reality, war propaganda dressed in warm & fuzzy anti-war clothes. For example, the following statements:

“The Ukraine conflict shows that the quest for power and domination has not been overcome.”

LOL, this is psychological projection. Germany here is talking about itself. It's not Russians that are currently killing Ukrainians, but highly-paid proxies of the German government and banks.

“...Putin’s annexation of Crimea in violation of international law.” A flat-out lie.

“War in Europe Again? Not in Our Names!”

Make no mistake. Germany wants war, but on its own terms.

The clear agenda of TPTB is to, in the public eye, mold the US into the new villain of the world, and Germany into the new, reasonable, “humanitarian” savior. Witness Obama's choice of the term “American exceptionalism,” an over-the-top, faux-hubris term coined precisely and deliberately to engender the wrath of the entire world, as are the bombings of weddings and the torture of prisoners, which all experts know is totally useless for extracting any valuable information. All of this torture and wedding bombings are in reality a MSM reality TV show to inculcate in the minds of all peoples how horrible America is. Just like the so-called “leaking” of the Abu Ghraib abuses, with such well-staged photos. That faux “leaking”was intentional, just part of the reality TV show.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

America is not a monarchy and Obama is not our King.

If the truth be known, it is the Congress, not the President that runs this nation. The President cannot write laws (Executive Orders are unenforceable and have no legal standing.)

The Congress however, can declare war, appropriate and pass (authorize) the president's and Executive branch's budget. Make all rules and regulations for the land and naval forces. Is in charge of all military facilities and ports. Has the power to coin money and raise or lower taxes. Writes and must approve the entire budget of the United States and can call into service the president as Commander in Chief in the process of a Declaration of War. The power of impeachment and removal from office the president, and even Supreme Court Justices... Has the power to conduct Tribunals only inferior to the Supreme Court.
Must approve all treaties and agreements (not the pres) by a two thirds majority as well as a shit load of other enumerated and delegated powers that the president can only dream about having. This all verifiable by simply reading Article I of the US Constitution.

You may ask, why is it that the last four or five presidents have pretty much done what they damn well please at tremendous cost to the country and the people of the United States when they (Presidents) have none or very little of the power of Congress?

Time for a little critical thinking boys and girls. The president is not the king nor is the US a monarchy, but I suspect there are millions of Americans that cannot tell the difference between the two. The president is the Head of State representing the US to other nations he does not run our nation. That is left to the Congress and the Courts.

The reason the US is going down for the third time is because the Congress of the United States has been derelict in its duties. It has been corrupted and has whored itself to Wall Street and even foreign nations like Israel, which makes every member complicit in treason, malfeasance and organized criminal activity. It (and the president) is guilty of theft, bribery, wars of aggression, torture and has violated every one of the first Ten Amendments to the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights which BTW they all swore on a Bible to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. With a further Executive branch specification that the "The president faithfully execute all laws"

There are your culprits; presidents aren't shit when compared to the Constitutional power of the Congress. These ball-less eunuchs in office now could stop Obama and his NeoCon, Bolshevik, commie henchmen dead in their tracks if they wanted to but they've whored themselves to the same power elite as all the other branches of government have. The only way to save our country is get rid of every incumbent in Congress and start a fresh slate of real representatives and Senators that will honor their oaths of office and bring an out of control Executive to heel and the country back on an even keel.
If Congress would have been doing its job, the Electoral College could have elected Bonzo the Chimp president and the country will have run smoothly and our liberties would have been secure, so powerful the Legislative Branch is in keeping a run amok Executive on a short leash.. Wait a minute, I think we really did elect Bonzo the Chimp but was let off his leash and his Legislative keepers that just could (and preferred) not catch him.

Now the republican leadership is crowing about filing a suit against the Obama Administration for violating the separation of powers between the Executive Branch and the Congress. House Speaker Boehner is whining that Obama has been derelict in his responsibilities as President by attempting to rule by decree and bypassing the Legislative branch. Where have these dunces been for the last thirty years or so?

These mugs have turned a Constitutional crisis into a turf war that could be dragged out for years in a feeble attempt to pander to real Republicans and conservatives to maintain the criminal incumbency of all his and the democrat corporate crony lawmakers. The Democrats are pleased as punch over this development as it helps them maintain their own crooked incumbents by claiming victim status i.e. if you don’t reelect all our career crooked lawmakers the Republicans will surely take over the Senate and increase their ranks In the House. That proved prophetic but what now?

Well, here we go again! We are being played once again by two criminal syndicates that call themselves the Republican and Democrat Parties. Can they get away with this scheme against the American people again?
Jim barber

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Has Congress made itself Irrelevant?

The people still don't get it, Many believe that the Congress is Irrelevant and only the presidential power of Obama counts, The author of such an article, Steve McCann that once worked on the Romney Committee contradicts himself throughout his writing on the subject. For example;

“Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.”

Obama did not make the Congress irrelevant; the Congress made the Congress irrelevant under “the leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi” as only the Congress has the power to do and created this Imperial presidency.

The president, whomever that may be, is charged with “to take care that the laws (passed by Congress) are faithfully executed” (Art II, US Constitution.) not make laws or create for himself an imperial presidency. Only the Congress can allow and in this Congress’ case, encourage and aid and abet this last president’s unlawful power grab.

The Congress has allowed this Executive and the last three presidents an unlimited supply of “get out of jail free” cards and I do not need to go into the ugly details of the various domestic and international crimes these last three or more administrations have committed. Drug running, gun running, drug money laundering, war crimes, violations of Geneva conventions on torture, assassinations and wars of aggression, ad nauseum are just a partial list of their overt criminal activity and not to mention all the violations of their oaths of office. In this the Congress is irrevocably and intentionally complicit

The Congressional oversight committees have turned a blind eye and more often than not have whitewashed and even concealed relevant facts and evidence to give the Executive branch and their thuggish department’s exoneration of any wrongdoing. In many cases Congress has rewarded the blatant lawbreaking of the executive branch and the president himself, with promotions for the criminals that perpetrated the crime(s) and more appropriated funding (as only the Congress has the power to do) to continue their unlawful acts

Only the Congress has the ability and the power to impeach and remove from office the president, not the other way around. The president is constitutionally and by design, the weakest of the three branches of government as the Founding Fathers knew that giving a president powers that could not be curtailed and controlled by the Congress and the courts was a recipe for an imperial presidency much like what the revolution was fought for. Tyranny of the executive and the federal thugs he has set upon us such as we are experiencing now will continue unless this corrupt, organized criminal oligarchy that is our Congress is replaced with new members that are still not whored to the banksters on Wall Street, the Pentagon and the siren song of Global governance that both Obama, Romney and many if not all of the Ruling Class banksters and transnational corporations lust for.

Voters had better get a copy of our Constitution and study both Article I; the Congress and Article II; the Executive Branch to see who has the power to control who.

And remember this; Global governance is the end of US sovereignty the two cannot coexist as Globalism is treason. Americans are either adherents and believers in the US Constitution or they are in fact traitors. There is no other alternative. There is no such thing as being a “little bit pregnant.”

The author Steve McCann is obviously a shill for the Romney campaign and deliberately misleading the public in presenting Romney as an alternative to the globalist traitor Obama and the Global government entities he represents, as any differences in their imperial leadership and agenda is minuscule and in fact nonexistent.

Both want the US transformed into some sort of corporate, global monarchy where the rest of us become their serfs and slaves. That is why they want the ill informed to concentrate on the presidential race instead of the Congress, which BTW are the only directly elected government officials in the United States. Presidents are chosen by electors of the several states and chosen (the electors) by the parties. McCann is misleading us.

Dear Congressman

This letter should be sent by at least 50 million Americans to their Congressman.

Dear Sen./Cong.__________,

Please launch an immediate large scale air campaign and ground invasion of those nuclear terrorists in Iran as Israel insists on it. They are after all, an existential threat to the state of Israel, even though they pose no threat whatsoever to the rest of the civilized world. That’s the world (the civilized one) that doesn’t bomb, kill and invade other Middle Eastern and European countries seeking regime change.

There will be a problem however for you lawmakers and heads of state like President Obama and PM Cameron when they try to explain how the massive retaliation by Iran destroyed most of Israel and caused a major nuclear incident when an Iranian retaliatory missile strike destroyed the Negev nuclear reactor at Dimona and Israel’s nuclear weapons repository, causing a massive nuclear incident that most likely will destroy Israel and incinerate couple of million Israelis. Good luck on that.

And then of Course the Congress and Obama will have to explain to the American people how the Iranians sank at least one US aircraft carrier and numerous other capital warships with an anti-ship cruise missile defense network that has no known defense against it, resulting in the deaths of thousands of American seamen and Marines and of hundreds of billions of dollars in material battle losses.

Then of course you members of congress will have to explain how all of our US bases in the Gulf region were hit with a massive Iranian MRBM counterattack as result of Israel’s initial strike, destroying many of them and killing thousands more American servicemen stationed at them.

Come to think of it, you lawmakers may see your congressional shelf life expire immediately after an attack on Iran and the lot of you guys may have to start looking for a hole to climb into for your own safety. It will probably be the end of any President’s or Prime Minister’s time in office also.

Maybe that is what our country needs is an entirely new political class elected that will abide by their oaths to the US Constitution and adherence to international law and a return of the America to the Nation’s (however mythical that may have been) past glory of freedom and equality and a powerhouse of economic success.

So by all means Sen/Cong.__________start the air and ground campaign against Iran immediately. We will not wait around for your letters of resignation as you will not have time to write them. Best wishes in the new country you will have to find in order to hide from the rest of us. Your hides won’t be worth much if you stay here.

Truly yours,

etc. etc. etc.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Couldn't make the cut anyway

It was indeed an unpopular war fought mostly by draftees, nine million of them as I recall. The arrogance of the majority of our generation that deliberately avoided serving was/is breathtaking.

I have news for all the ones that thought they were too important or too candyassed to serve, you most likely were not even sufficiently fit, mentally, physically or morally to have served. Only ten to fifteen percent of the males between 18 and 24 could have made the cut to serve our country. I know because I was one the guys that screened and tested them.

Most of us were told we were fighting for our our country and their freedom, OMG where have we heard that before? The fact is we were had! They took advantage of our patriotism and our youthful trust in government. That was a mistake that will not happen again.

Vietnam was the start of the Neocon inspired, corporate wars, at least for my generation anyway. The all volunteer, corporate mercenary forces of today were born back then in 1972 and so was the slide into despotism.

The ones that hated us most back then were from our own generation, draft dodging traitors like Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton and even GW Bush, that felt they had "more important things to do" and sniffed contemptuously at the "lower classes", that were compelled because of their social class to serve in uniform.

The other half were the flag waving morons that still think we should have "nuked em" or that we could have won if we wouldn't have had so many restrictions on killing more of the enemy. We killed three million of them and if we could just have killed another three million we could have won goes that fools premise.

The WWII guys called us losers and said we lost the War or that Vietnam wasn't "a real war." Every time someone says to we Vietnam vets, what can only be construed as insincere, "thank you for your service," Well I won't say how it makes me feel.
We were the convenient scapegoats for a failed policy of the Washington think tank war mongers and of course their defense contractor pals, that have brought us the destruction of our country for fun and profit today.

The one percent that have profited handsomely from looting America, killing off it's healthy male children and of course the segment of American Useful Idiots that worship and serve the one percent are the real traitors and should live in a country like the Soviet Union. Perhaps that is why these guys are trying so hard to turn America into a carbon copy of Stalin's USSR.

Reinstate a draft, by all means and do include females given all the equality they demand and no exemptions. You creme puffs can go to college after you serve your country. But most of all the wealthy elite that could afford to buy or bribe their way out of serving their country will have to learn some discipline. Let's see how many more wars they want to start when they will literally have some "skin in the game."

Not to worry though, most of this generation couldn't make the cut anyway, mentally, physically or morally. Today's recruiters and draft boards would be lucky to find ten percent of qualified, military age applicants if the standards of the sixties were once again used.

Let's stat a petition to reinstate the draft. They have retained all the the mechanisms for the draft the Draft Board and Registrations, so why not use them?

Monday, September 22, 2014

What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America ?

What if they left .....AND ENTERED LEGALLY
Somebody really did their homework on this one.
Best on the subject to present date.

What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America ?

I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament".

I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, "illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What Happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?" Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?

So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter into the FACTS I found below.

It's a good question it deserves an honest answer. Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America ? The answers I found may surprise you!

In California , if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun
prisons. It would leave highways cleaner, safer and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as English became the dominant language again.

In Colorado , 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grandchildren would move back 'home', mostly to Mexico . That would save Colorado an estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion) annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration costs. It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone.

Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens. Denver Officer Don Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have suffered death, accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.

Denver Public Schools would not suffer a 67% dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal alien students speaking 41different languages.. At least 200,000 vehicles would vanish from our grid locked cities in Colorado . Denver 's 4% unemployment rate would vanish as our working poor would gain jobs at a living wage.

In Florida , 1.5 million illegals would return the Sunshine State back to America , the rule of law, and English.

In Chicago, Illinois , 2.1 million illegals would free up hospitals, schools, prisons and highways for a safer, cleaner and more crime-free experience.

If 20 million illegal aliens returned 'home', the U.S. Economy would return to the rule of law. Employers would hire legal American citizens at a living wage. Everyone would pay their fair share of taxes because they wouldn't be working off the books. That would result in an additional $401 Billion in IRS income taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local, state and city coffers.

No more push '1' for Spanish or '2' for English. No more confusion in American schools that now must contend wi th over 100 languages that degrade the educational system for American kids. Our overcrowded schools would lose more than two million illegal alien kids at a cost of billions in ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.

We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at a cost of more than $1.6 billion annually. That includes 15,000 MS-13 gang members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate our country.

In cities like L.A. , 20,000 members of the ' 18th Street Gang' would vanish from our nation. No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft from Americans! No more foreign rapists and child molesters!

Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our crowded highways and gridlock. Cleaner air and less drinking and driving American deaths by illegal aliens!

America 's economy is drained. Taxpayers are harmed. Employers get rich. Over $80 billion annually wouldn't return to the aliens' home countries by cash transfers. Illegal migrants earned half that money untaxed, which further drains America 's economy which currently suffers an $8.7 trillion debt. $8.7 trillion debt !!

At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our country, costing us $109 billion per year per cycle. At least 86 hospitals in California , Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of being bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the EMTOLA Act.

Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country-brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.

Our cities would see 20 million less people driving, polluting and grid locking our cities. It would also put the 'progressives' on the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our greenhouse gases.

Over one million of Mexico's poorest citizens now live inside and along our border from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California in what the New York Times called, 'colonias' or new neighborhoods. Trouble is, those living areas resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth, diseases, drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse.
They live without sewage, clean water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.

The New York Times reported them to be America's new ' Third World ' inside our own country. Within 20 years, at their current growth rate, they expect 20 million residents of those colonias. (I've seen them personally in Texas and Arizona ; it's sickening beyond anything you can imagine.)

By enforcing our laws, we could repatriate them back to Mexico . We should invite 20 million aliens to go home, fix their own countries and/or make a better life in Mexico . We already invite a million people into our country legally more than all other countries combined annually. We cannot and must not allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.

It's time to stand up for our country, our culture, our civilization and our way of life Interesting Statistics!

Here are 13 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sic k of reading them:
1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens. (that's Billion with a 'B')
2. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English!
4.�=0 $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
5. $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. That's $1.2 Billion a year.
6. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.
7. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
8. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
9. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .
10. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern bor der with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.Over 10,000 of those were middle-easternterrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, Guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.
11. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period and nbsp;
12. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends.
13. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States !

Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! If this doesn't bother YOU, then just delete the message. Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The ECM Battle in the Sky Above Poland but Downed MH17

The ECM Battle in the Sky Above Poland, Russia and the Ukraine That Saved Putin's Life but Downed MH17

When I learned that Vladamir Putin was going to travel to South America for
the last game of the World Cup and for the Brics Conference, I was
concerned that he might be attacked.

Now when the US President travels,
he flies on one of two identical Boeing 747-200B USAF Presidential
State Aircraft. The one that he is riding in is officially designated
as Air Force One, the other is carrying staff and reporters, etc., but
is also acting as a decoy aircraft making the task of shooting down the
correct Boeing 747 more difficult. The planes have constant fighter
coverage with AWACS and refueling tankers. In areas over the ocean the
US Navy has been known to re-task supercarrier task forces to provide
USN fighter coverage when necessary.

Now Russia remains a nuclear superpower, but it no longer is the overall
superpower that the old Soviet Union was with its Warsaw Pack allies.
There is no Warsaw Pack now, and many of these nations are members of
NATO. The USSR is broken up and long gone. So Russia cannot provide
the level of protection to its Presidential State Aircraft, a
IL-96-300PU, that the American President has. Still, the Russians do
take special efforts to keep their Head of State safe.

Considering the level of pre-WWIII events currently happening in the Ukraine and
the Middle East, and the growing irritation that Globalists and Zionist
forces have had with Putin and his Russia, the security experts charged
with protecting Putin were no doubt very concerned about his long
overseas visit.

Putin effectively stopped an Israeli/US attack on Iran almost two years ago
and a US/UK/Israeli attack on Syria about a year ago.

The US/Zionist/Globalist supported/funded coup against the elected Ukraine
government and the resulting conflict was a calculated effort to draw
Russia into a war over the Ukraine and thereby tie it down in order to
allow Netanyahu free hand to create his long-sought General Middle East
War. Putin has proven to be a brilliant strategist and not easy to
trap. Hence, I believe that the decision was made to "take him out" of
the picture by destroying his state aircraft as it flew over Russia but
near the Ukraine on his return from South America.

That the Latin American trip included a key Brics Conference in Brazil which
was a direct attack on the Rothschild-headed Global Banking Cartel's
power over the global economy and financial system, was a key factor in
the decision that Putin had to be eliminated.

Taking the Russian State Aircraft down presented a number of problems. If it
were downed over the open ocean, fingers would point at America as the
superpower capable of global military action. Host nations did provide
considerable security to Putin and his aircraft while he was in their
nations and airspace. What better place to attack the IL-96 than over
Russian airspace near the Ukraine, shortly after it had left Polish
airspace. At worst the coup junta in the Ukraine would be blamed and
Moscow might invade the Ukraine in response, thereby tying down its
military and freeing the Mideast for a truly horrific general war.

The Russians were well aware of the dangers and were actively looking for
stealthed fighters and mobile ground-to-air advanced systems with
airborne state-of-the-art sensors. A few years ago, Russian engineers
devised a way to 'stealth' existing non-stealthy aircraft using a plasma
system. This system has been reported on and no doubt copied by
various western powers. Now no stealth system is perfect, and in fact
the whole field of stealth has had its share of PR hype. The attempt is
to create a 'black hole' in the sky that no radar or infrared/etc.
signals are capable of being detected. However, no such system is
perfect and highly advanced electronic systems can usually detect a
stealth aircraft (manned or unmanned) operating in a given area.

Based on assorted reports and a general knowledge of military systems
including ECM (electronic counter measures) this is what I believe
happened in the skys over Poland, Russia and the Ukraine that led to the
deaths of 295 people on Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: Russian Air
Force electronic surveillance/ECM aircraft were able to detect a stealth
fighter in/near the expected flight path of the Russian State
Aircraft. Since shooting down this aircraft was not a certainty,
especially since the Ukrainian Junta had just moved a number of advanced
'Buk' ground-to-air missile systems into eastern Ukraine, the Russian
ECM aircraft immediately began to spoof things. The IL-96 was likely
contacted by satellite secure radio transmissions and told to turn off
or change its ID squawking and a nearby large aircraft, the Malaysian
Airlines Boeing 777 Flight MH17 was spoofed to cover its normal ID code
and replace it with the IL-96 code.

In the meantime the Israeli Air Force F-15 (likely a F-15I two-seat Strike
Eagle with AIM-20 AMRAAM radar-guided missiles and using a plasma
stealth system), which had taken off some time, from a base in
Azerbaijan, before the IL-96 was in Poland, was positing itself in a
'kill box' anticipating the known altitude, speed, route, and time
window of the Russian jet. This is where the Russians make use of ECM
to protect the Presidential State Aircraft of Russia. They knew that
the IL-96 and a similar sized Boeing 777 (Flight MH17) were traveling
along the same route over Poland. According to Russia's Interfax News
Agency: “I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing
intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to
Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The
presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian
aircraft – 15:44 Moscow time,” a source told the news agency on condition of anonymity. “The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions
are also very similar, as for the coloring, at a quite remote distance
they are almost identical”, the source added.

The Malaysian airliner was now being electronically spoofed by Russian ECM
to give the ID of the IL-96. The Israeli flight crew knew that the
plane was over Ukrainian airspace, but just barely, and it closed to
make a visual contact. What it saw was a white large airliner sized
plane. It launched a radar-guided AIM-20 AMRAAM missile from a few
miles away to lesson the radar jamming expected to be on the IL-96 and
destroyed the target and quickly exited the local area.

Early reports, and these are always most important as they are given and
reported before a coverup can be initiated, quoted multiple witnesses on
the ground that a fighter had fired a missile and this missile had hit
the airliner bringing it down. The witnesses thought that the fighter
was a Ukrainian fighter such as a Su-27 which has a twin-tail and from a
distance looks similar to a F-15 with its twin-tail.

The Russians have no advantage to 'outing' the true story. For one thing
they helped, by using ECM, to cause MH17 to be shot down. Secondly,
without a downed Israeli F-15I, to prove the story, it would simply be a
"he said, she said" story that the Israelis and Ukrainians would deny.
So we have this on-going back and forth claims that the Junta's Buk
surface-to-air missile downed the Malaysian airliner, or that somehow
the 'rebels' shot it down, or that the Russians fired a surface-to-air
missile that took it down.
experience intelligence analysts in Europe and elsewhere are not apt to
buy a story line that somehow a large airliner was shot down over the
Ukraine, when no plane had ever been shot down at this altitude (33,000
feet) before during the on-going conflict and moreover that this
same airliner had crossed paths with Putin's State Aircraft, returning
from the Brics Conference in South America, only minutes before being
shot down.

This is an absolute disaster for Netanyahu's Israel. When you try to kill
someone like Putin you damn well better get the job done or he is apt to
institute a 'payback' that you will not want to pay.

Further, a large number of European nations, and others, are realizing that tiny Israel tried to kill the President of Russia. That will not work in Israel's

The aftereffects from this event are only just beginning but they are apt to change the world.

Tim Earl of Stirling

Friday, September 5, 2014

Be Careful of what you eat

The corrupted and toxic food supply (GMO, etc.) here in the US is responsible for a great deal of the 30 million chronic lung and breathing diseases, as well as diabetes and host of the other chronic diseases afflicting Americans.
COPD, a catch all phrase for any breathing disorder i.e. Asthma, emphysema etc.will according to medical reports, kill almost as many people in the US as Heart attacks, and has exploded since the mid nineteen nineties. Coincidentally the same time period as our food supply began to be imported from Third World, cesspool countries (ala Free Trade, and Nafta). Thanks Clinton and a Republican Congress.
This COPD label is simply a concocted name to cover up the sources/causes for the vast harm these toxic imported foods we eat are causing to our population and the lack of a real medical diagnosis' related to these diseases..
The US medical profession and their partners in the pharmaceutical industry know this also but offer no solutions as the status quo is way too profitable for all except the suffering patients.
There exists plenty of costly band aids to treat these breathing disorders in the form of outrageously priced inhalation treatments (inhalers) and other drugs, some might say criminally priced, to extort billions from Americans to treat a food allergy related, chronic breathing problems that are now lifelong afflictions..
Most of these chronic breathing disorders are not the result of smoking as pulmonologists admit that only 20% smokers develop serious breathing problems lack any definitive answers for the other 80% of chronic breathing problems of smokers. What about all the non-smokers that suffer from the mythical COPD?
I say mythical in the sense that the breathing disorders are not. But that generic term is almost as phony as ADHD or ADD that pharmaceutical companies have made billions drugging young children into oblivion with narcotics and producing psychotic adolescents and adults.
GMO foods and toxic food supplies that have uncontrolled entry into our country with a bare minimum of inspection, if inspected at, all must be stopped.
The quality of America's food supply is a National Security concern and nothing less and must be guaranteed safe and healthy for human consumption. This Congress and the President are responsible for the welfare of the nation. They have failed in this in all respects.

I suppose the same laxity in keeping lethal diseases out of our country will allow the Ebola plague to kill millions of us also.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dealing with the budget deficit the old fashioned way!

Obama is going to make up for not cutting deep enough in discretionary spending or reining in the Pentagon ($400.00/gal gas from Kuwaiti contractors, 200 overseas bases and two wars one of which is longest in US history) by destroying Medicare and Social security. But not to worry, our republican friends in Congress are going to help him do it. In fact I believe it’s their idea.

Both parties keep claiming that Medicare and Social Security are “unfunded entitlements” and they are the cause of the largest part of the budget deficit. This of course is an unmitigated lie.

I’m looking at a letter from Social Security that states my wife alone and her employer has contributed $30 thousand dollars to the Social Security Trust Fund and a slightly lesser amount to Medicare, and still a few years of working before collecting any benefits.

Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont that often votes with both republicans and democrats, stated publicly on a major network only a few days ago, that the Social Security Trust Fund is flush and contains $4.3 Trillion, trillion with a T, enough to pay out all the SS benefits due for the next 27 years. He claims these two government run programs are in no way responsible for any part of the budget deficit.

Then we have Mitch McConnell, the republican minority leader in the Senate lying through his teeth on Face the Nation yesterday by claiming that Social Security funding will have a $50 billion shortfall for this year alone.

He may not be far wrong as the Congress has been stealing billions from the SS trust fund regularly for decades ever since the Johnson administration. They just grab the cash, stuff an IOU in the fund’s coffers and hoped we wouldn’t notice.

Well we have. So now to keep from honoring these IOUs, these Congressional thieves and their accomplices at Goldman Sachs wants to turn over all these trillions (and the IOUs) to Wall Street in a ponzi scheme they are calling privatization. The Goldman Sachs boys running the treasury now will not honor these IOUs to make sure retiree’s are paid their benefits, but they will make damn sure Goldman and the Wall Street moneychangers will get these IOUs honored once they get their money-grubbing hands on it, with taxpayer dollars.

These crooks as usual are too clever by half. This two year taxpayer holiday for the middleclass worker (the Obama alleged tax break) is another handout for the same wealthy corporate crooks. The tax break law say that Social Security deductions will not be withheld from worker’s paychecks for the next two years, a strange way to deal with an, ahem, $50 billion Social Security Trust Fund deficit.

However, here’s the part they thought we wouldn’t figure out. Corporations will not have to contribute their half to the Social Security Trust fund either, obviously allowing the corporate thieves to pocket billions in unpaid SS contributions that should have gone to the SS Trust Fund and to the retirees. What the hell, it worked for all those corporate pension funds that disappeared like say Enron and the big three automakers, why not for the largest, most efficiently run and flush government retirement fund in he world, Social Security and Medicare. A veritable bonanza as far as Wall Street heists are concerned, the banker bailouts are chump change when compared to the trillions of $ in the SS Trust Fund.

Those Wall Street bankers and Goldman Sachs are literally drooling at the prospect of getting their hands on this pension fund in the same way they stole GM, Chrysler and Ford’s worker’s retirement funds. Just imagine the multi-million dollar bonus’ these banksters can pay out to each other with all that Social Security, Pension Fund largess.

All Obama had to do was have the big three automakers declare bankruptcy, pay off the union and lavish the corporate executives with golden parachutes (bribes) and Presto, no more worker retirement benefit liability. Oh, also move the car companies offshore so the corporate crooks can screw their new Third World workers even more. Talk about compound profit making.

Stealing the Social Security trust fund and giving it to Wall Street will even be easier. After all, you have a Congress (both parties) and a President that will be happy to do it with crooked legislation and executive orders in spite of our objections. After all, they must figure we won’t be around much longer anyway, and by the time our kids are ready for retirement, a government run retirement fund won’t exist.

The Democrats and the Republicans run the largest organized crime syndicate in the world. Obama is their Capo. If the sorry field of Republican contenders for Obama’s replacement isn’t sent packing and some decent and honest candidates are fielded, it’s a sure bet both parties want Obama to remain Capo de Capo.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Truth About Georgia

by Brian Harring

As one of the great turning points in American history recedes from the
confusion of the battlefield, many truths are beginning to slowly emerge,
but never in the controlled American media.

In the first place, no matter how
the Administration or its creatures like John McCain try to conceal it,
America has received terrible damage not only to its image but to its
global reputation. Bush and Cheney had done their best to belittle and goad
Russia's Vladimir Putin and when he reacted, they fled the field in terror,
leaving behind many tons of valuable military equipment, trucks full of
highly secret papers, a number of dead American soldiers, an outraged and
howling Israel and the shattered remains of their Cacausian puppet state
which was set up not only to antagonize Putin but to give their Israeli a
convenient base from which to launch brutal attacks on Iran.

As Russia and China have made it very clear that any attacks on Iran would cause serious problems, Israel decided that instead of pushing an ever-eager to please
Bush into doing their dirty work for them (as he obediently did with Iraq)
they would do it themselves and in such a way as to be certain to draw the
United States into any possible imbroglio that might result.

Note that Georgia, firmly in the pocket of the United States, would have
never launched a massive artillery and armor attack against South Ossetia
without active United States complicity and assistance . The Israelis were
also deeply involved in this, one of their IDF intelligence units conducting
aerial observations over suspected areas of possible Russian retaliatory
buildups on their side of the boarder by using their own drone spy planes
and passing any information gained from these flights not to the Georgians
but to their friends, the Americans.

In Georgia at the time of the attack, there were over two thousand troops
engaged in intensive training of the Georgian army and added to this number
there were approximately 1,000 soldiers from the Vicenza, Italy-based
Southern European Task Force (Airborne) and the Kaiserslautern-based 21st
Theater Sustainment Command, along with Marine reservists with the 3rd
Battalion, 25th Marines out of Ohio, and the state of Georgia's Army
National Guard's 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry. This was under the command
of the U.S. Special Operations Command, a division of EUCOM. And this
controlled GSSOP (Georgia Sustainment and Stability Operations Program),
which has trained over 5,000 Georgian troops, some for eventual service in
Iraq. As a condition for Georgian service in Iraq, there were promises of
getting Georgia NATO membership in year. 2009.

The U.S. trainers, usually a team of 70 Americans taking a 600 man Georgian
infantry battalion through a 17 week training program, concentrate on combat
subjects. Other training programs instructed support and staff troops.

The decision to invade South Ossetia did not originate in Tiblisi but in
Washington. Bush agreed that if Georgia could be pushed into attacking an
area known to be of especial interest to Moscow, a probably Russian reaction
could be blown up in the American press out of all proportion to its
actuality and this could quickly be used by a faltering McCain's
presidential campaign. As McCain is well-known to be very pro-Israel, Tel
Aviv also supported a Georgian offensive and did everything it could to
promote it, realizing that in the chaos following, they could launch their
sneak attacks on Iran.

Artillery specialists from the 48th Infantry Brigade's 1st Battalion, 121st
Infantry were heavily involved in the Georgian artillery buildup and at
least four of the casualties of the Russian counter-attack were black
American soldiers.

The Israelis, who had close ties with Georgia and whose Defense Minister was
an Israeli citizen, as usual played both sides, contacted the Russians and
tipped them off about the pending attack in return for what they hoped would
be Russian aid in an Israeli attack on Iran. The Russians generally detest
and certainly distrust Jews, having had decades of very painful experience
with them under Stalin so they took the Israeli information and put it to
good use and, of course, had no intention of becoming involved in any
anti-Iranian activity.

This entire third grade farce exploded in Washington's face, the U.S.
military fled the country, leaving the trusting Georgians to be dealt with
massive Russian armor attacks, the Israelis ran away almost as fast but left
their drones and much valuable spy equipment behind as they hastened back to
the security of Israel. The betrayed and tricked Georgians were left behind
as were the tons of American taxpayer-funded equipment.

Now, our press rants about the evil Putin and forgets what it knows about
the idiotic connivances and badly failed plots. McCain did indeed wave his
arms around and shout defiance at Putin and given his deteriorating mental
condition, probably forgot all about it ten minutes later. As well as the
huge material losses, the United States has received a terrible body blow to
its perceived integrity and strength and in the end, Vladimir Putin will
benefit from the debacle far more than the doddering McCain ever could.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Let's get the cards and letters coming

I have been posting essays and opinion on this my site, "What's Up With That" for a few years now and unfortunately it has not generated the kind of political discourse or any kind for that matter I had hoped it would.

Without comment whether in agreement or criticism, an author has little guidance as to the content or tenor of his writings.

As always, suggestions on subject matter and critiques on finished product are always welcome in the hope that valuable political discussions, and even solutions may emerge.

So the next time you read one of my posts I would love to have some commentary posted on the discrete comments section. I can post it for others to see or just for my eyes. The choice is yours and the blog does not require a valid return email address.
Just click on the "post a comment" link at the bottom of each article and have at me if you will. But mostly I would be interested in subject ideas and blog topics I may expound on.

Thanks and I hope to hear from all of you very soon.

The author

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Controlled Economic Disintegration (and then some)

⚑ by Salvatore •

Seems to me Washington is planning America's demise -- not the demise of Russia. Ostensibly, it looks like Uncle Sam is out to get Russia, but that's just ostensible. Because of Uncle Sam's policies, the world hates the USA now. We're getting set-up to be destroyed, as Germany was set-up to be destroyed [ Hitler being part-and-parcel of the set-up ]. A lot of countries are now joining ranks together and got their guns aimed at the USA.

Washington shipped all of our industry en-masse to China. Now they have the industry, and we're broke. Broke and no industry, open borders, massive immigration from the Third World, fomenting war all over the world, with no industrial base to back-up the war-making [ looking at it from purely a strategic viewpoint], with many millions of third world immigrants who don't consider themselves Americans and are only here to usurp.

Pretty stupid to so greatly and so deeply weaken the country domestically while trying to take on the world -- but that's what Uncle Sam has done and is still doing. In the meantime, as Uncle Sam goads Putin on, China is buying up the USA, and we still have open borders and massive immigration, and hardly any industry left.

It's called planned destruction. It's goes way beyond stupidity. It's all planned to destroy the USA and bring the USA in-line with the NWO One Government. The NWO requires the destruction of the USA. Russia is not going to die, Russia grows increasingly stronger on the world stage, but it certainly looks like the USA is on her way out. We're ruled by enemies, but one they're not, they're not stupid. Most of Uncle Sam's policies, if not all policies, both domestically and foreign, are designed to bring the USA down. We are ruled by COMMUNISTS.

The fall, or so-called "fall" of the Soviet Union was a giant charade. Many Communist Jews came here to the USA after the so-called "fall" of the Soviet Union, the "Evil Empire", and Communist Jews are in complete power in Washington -- and many State Capitals. Reagan, the so-called "patriotic", "conservative" "All-American" "cowboy hero" president let the die-hard, intense, warmongering, murderous, Communist Jews of the Soviet Union into the USA in very large numbers, welcoming them with open arms. Reagan even signed the Jew's Communist Noahide Laws into the American canon of law. The Jew Communist Noahide Laws were the foundational laws of the Communist Soviet Union.

More about Putin and the NWO and the demise of America :

Main page of website :

Saturday, January 18, 2014

As a taxpayer I am sooooooo impressed with the, ahem, results of this test to attempt to take over the airways.

The federal government and in particular Homeland Security should continue to hire and employ their engineering and technical personnel for projects like this, based on color, gender and sexual orientation instead of technical education, experience and competency (white guys). It is fitting that affirmative action should be the primary reason for these asinine, New World Order attempts to violate the 1st Amendment and enslave the rest of us.

Hey assholes at Homeland Security, listen up! Only white guys have the technical abilities to do the kind of evil shit you are planning to do to us. As a result of this slight regarding employment policies that excludes straight, white, technically competent males, the unemployed white guys are going (if they haven’t already) to do to you, what you are planning to do to us. I think a number of clandestine hackers have already proven their capabilities in making that point.

Monday, January 13, 2014

We were warned years ago!

Providing the New Pearl Harbor

The "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC) the Jewish, Neocon Manifesto states that what is needed is another "pearl Harbor" in order to implement their global plans for the "New America and eliminate much of our Constitutional Rights, if not the entire Constitution and the Sovereign Nation State itself.

What a coincidence that 9/11 provided that "New "Pearl Harbor" and justified the implementation of Homeland Security, Obama's "Civilian force as powerful as the Army" also laid out in the PNAC manifesto for slavery.
The globalists do not trust the Pentagon to carry out the kind of internal repression they have planned so the DHS para-military forces are to be used for this purpose instead. We saw a dress rehearsal for the Obama cabal's plans in the Boston area.

Every totalitarian regime has had its own internal security forces under the personal command of their "Dear leader" in this case Obama. Hitler had his "Reserve Police Battalions",The USSR their "Internal Ministry troops" and now The US with their DHS, para-military forces using the Fusion Centers as the organizing locus.

Obama and his PNAC minion have commandeered all the local, state and federal law inforcement agencies and coordinating through these Fusion Centers in each state has built a para-military army independent of DOD and the Pentagon only answerable to the WhiteHouse through the Dept of Homeland Security.
This army is several hundred thousand strong and is indistinguishable in training, equipment and weapons from the troops being deployed anywhere in the world. The big difference here is that these troops will be deployed against the American people.

There is a wild card in that certain branches of our armed forces, operating under Constitutional law, may decide to stop Obama's executive branch forces as rogue elements of an out of control president and a few, off the reservation members of Congress.
The Obama bunch and his accomplices do not have a lot of friends in the Pentagon and like Clinton, are continually purging the officer ranks of what they consider disloyal or untrustworthy commanders.

My money is on certain elements of elite forces that most likely won't cotton to these paramilitary thugs running around attempting to impersonate real military troops.Given that the last three megalomaniacs elected president of these United States has drooled over the prospect of having expanded these elite force many fold, they may created the means of their own demise

The American people also need a Pearl Harbor like event perpetrated by these traitors in Washington and Wall Street before a cause sufficient to throw the bums out and take the US back from the multinational corporate criminals that now own and control it.
I am confident that their arrogance will provide that same Pearl Harbor like motivation with some false flag event or a direct attack against the people with a Waco Like slaughter of innocent men women and Children for the American people to rise up. It will also be their (neocons and multinational corporation's) "Bridge Too Far." The last Waco brought about the Militia Movement in all fifty states. Who can tell what will happen if another Waco like event should occur instigated by his DHS army of thugs.!

Wall Street and their Lust for the Social Security Fund

Dealing with the budget deficit the old fashioned way!

Obama is going to make up for not cutting deep enough in discretionary spending or reining in the Pentagon ($400.00/gal gas from Kuwaiti contractors, 200 overseas bases and two wars one of which is longest in US history) by destroying Medicare and Social security. But not to worry, our republican friends in Congress are going to help him do it. In fact I believe it’s their idea.

Both parties keep claiming that Medicare and Social Security are “unfunded entitlements” and they are the cause of the largest part of the budget deficit. This of course is an unmitigated lie.

I’m looking at a letter from Social Security that states my wife alone and her employer has contributed $30 thousand dollars to the Social Security Trust Fund and a slightly lesser amount to Medicare, and still a few years of working before collecting any benefits.

Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont that often votes with both republicans and democrats, stated publicly on a major network only a few days ago, that the Social Security Trust Fund is flush and contains $4.3 Trillion, trillion with a T, enough to pay out all the SS benefits due for the next 27 years. He claims these two government run programs are in no way responsible for any part of the budget deficit.

Then we have Mitch McConnell, the republican minority leader in the Senate lying through his teeth on Face the Nation yesterday by claiming that Social Security funding will have a $50 billion shortfall for this year alone.
He may not be far wrong as the Congress has been stealing billions from the SS trust fund regularly for decades ever since the Johnson administration started taking cash out of it to pay for the Vietnam War. The Congress offered plenty of help in this embezzlement of taxpayer pension and benefit funds. They just grab the cash, stuff an IOU in the fund’s coffers and hoped we wouldn't notice.

Well we have. So now to keep from honoring these IOUs, these Congressional thieves and their accomplices at Goldman Sachs wants to turn over all these trillions (and the IOUs) to Wall Street in a Ponzi scheme they are calling privatization. The Goldman Sachs boys running the treasury now will not honor these IOUs to make sure retiree’s are paid their benefits, but they will make damn sure Goldman and the Wall Street money changers will get these IOUs honored once they get their money-grubbing hands on it, with taxpayer dollars.

These crooks as usual are too clever by half. This two year taxpayer holiday for the middle-class worker (the Obama alleged tax break) is another handout for the same wealthy corporate crooks. The tax break law say that Social Security deductions will not be withheld from worker’s paychecks for the next two years, a strange way to deal with an, ahem, $50 billion Social Security Trust Fund deficit.

However, here’s the part they thought we would not’t figure out. Corporations will not have to contribute their half to the Social Security Trust fund either, obviously allowing the corporate thieves to pocket billions in unpaid SS contributions that should have gone to the SS Trust Fund and to the retirees. What the hell, it worked for all those corporate pension funds that disappeared like say Enron and the big three automakers, why not for the largest, most efficiently run and flush government retirement fund in he world, Social Security and Medicare. A veritable bonanza as far as Wall Street heists are concerned, the banker bailouts are chump change when compared to the trillions of $ in the SS Trust Fund.

Those Wall Street bankers and Goldman Sachs are literally drooling at the prospect of getting their hands on this pension fund in the same way they stole GM, Chrysler and Ford’s worker’s retirement funds. Just imagine the multi-million dollar bonus’ these banksters can pay out to each other with all that Social Security, Pension Fund largess.
All Obama had to do was have the big three automakers declare bankruptcy, pay off the union and lavish the corporate executives with golden parachutes (bribes) and Presto, no more worker retirement benefit liability. Oh, also move the car companies offshore so the corporate crooks can screw their new Third World workers even more. Talk about compound profit making.

Stealing the Social Security trust fund and giving it to Wall Street will even be easier. After all, you have a Congress (both parties) and a President that will be happy to do it with crooked legislation and executive orders in spite of our objections. After all, they must figure we won’t be around much longer anyway, and by the time our kids are ready for retirement, a government run retirement fund won’t exist.

The Democrats and the Republicans run the largest organized crime syndicate in the world. Obama is their Capo. If the sorry field of Republican contenders for Obama’s replacement isn’t sent packing and some decent and honest candidates are fielded, it’s a sure bet both parties want Obama to remain Capo DE Capo.

Citizen's militia

Most state’s (if not all) Constitutions have militia clauses in them (all able bodied men) some have age criteria i.e. 17 to 67 etc, are amendments to the Constitutions. They are divided into Organized and Unorganized definitions in my state for example.

The Organized variety is the National Guard formally known as the State Militia along with their auxiliary branches, State’s Defense Forces and even a Naval Militia. These unpaid auxiliary units could even use the National Guard facilities (armories etc. ) for training purposes and could participate in training with them. I believe they even received some state funds (although minuscule)for equipment etc.

The Unorganized Militia on the other hand consisted of all able bodied men, supplied all their own gear and weapons and was completely independent of the state’s forces except in times of emergency or insurrection/invasion, could be activated by the state governor under his command.

The federal government did a masterful job in destroying the image of the Unorganized Militia in many states by portraying them as terrorists in the nineties by the same infiltration tactics as they are now doing to the OWS demonstrators.

However, the fact remains that these unorganized militia amendments and laws are still on the books (State Constitutions) in almost all states and forming volunteer militia units (Unorganized) is strictly legal and I might add patriotic in the Founding Father’s image of the world at hand.

The Unorganized variety of militia scares the living shit out of the tyrants in Washington and Wall Street much more so than the OWS demonstrators that are all over the US cities.

Take a moment to go through your state’s Constitution as they will be part of the amendments themselves and need the vote of the people to repeal them as amendments, and not just statutory law that can be repealed by legislative vote.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Tea Party Third Party

From my perspective and based on some facts gleaned from their campaigns and candidates, The Tea Party represents the "Third Way" so to speak as they claim to represent the large segment of the Libertarian populace that cannot identify with either Republican (neoconservative) International interventionism or the liberal Democrat's propensity for war mongering (also in the interventionist camp) and the socialist leanings like the LGBT and multicultural, immigration run amok. .

Since both major parities have complete control of the elections and candidate selection of the two parties, the Tea Party candidates can use the Republican party as their vehicle to obtain elected office. They seem to act as an independent party that everyone realistically realizes cannot get elected if they ran as such, i.e. Independents or Libertarians. Once in off ice though they tell Boehner and the rest of our elected traitors to kiss their asses. That is just what we need in the Congress in order to stop the corporate owned party elected hacks in both the major parties from continuing to destroy the country. We need even more of these Tea Partiers to stop stuff like Legalizing illegal Immigration and TPP and other Free Trader treasons from becoming law.

Republicans and democrats both have attempted, with some success, infiltrating and compromising the Tea Party with globalist hack and war mongering internationalist lawmakers and other organizations like Freedom Works, a globalist Free Trade cabal, to bring the renegade Tea Party into line with the conventional orthodoxy of both the corrupt national parties. They have been largely ineffective in this attempt to continue to destroy US sovereignty. Economically they have been only successful at bringing about diminishing returns as Americans are running out of disposable income to support a consumption based economy that produces nothing more than debt and pollution.

The Tea Party may be the ones to break the corporate stranglehold the globalists and multicultural commies have on our elected and legislative process.
So having Tea Party , Republican Candidates is as close to electing Independents or bonifide third party candidates that don't owe their souls to Wall Street or to corporate boardroom members.