Sunday, December 28, 2014

Germany wants what?


What a sack of self-serving Sheista. This list of Germans supposedly “concerned about war” includes none other than warmongers Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder. Conspicuous in his absence from the letter's signatories is Germany's most famous living writer and poet, Günter Grass, who at age seventeen was a private in the Waffen SS. Shortly before the 1990 German reunification, Grass wrote:

“...there can be no demand for a modern version of a unified nation that in the course of 75 years, though under several managements, filled the history books, ours and theirs, with suffering, rubble, defeat, millions of refugees, millions of dead, and the burden of crimes that can never be undone.”

In more recent years, Grass publicly condemned Merkel's government for providing nuclear submarines to Israel. And, as I've pointed out before on PP, Germany was arming Iran at the same time.

As for “peace-loving” Helmut Kohl, his first step IMMEDIATELY after German reunification (which was executed by himself, GHW Bush, James Baker, Robert Zoellick, and Günther Strassmer) was to instigate the Balkans war, effecting the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, bringing it (today) under tacit German control. The German public was actually opposed to Germany's machinations in the Balkans, but German leaders Kohl, Scharping, Schröder and Fischer, rather than following public opinion, shaped public opinion by concocting outrageous lies to justify war against Serbia, including (but not limited to) the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) concocting a non-existent Serbian “Operation Horseshoe,” vis a vis the “incubator babies” yarn. The leaders of “New Germany” put Goebbels to shame. This was documented in detail by a courageous German media film, "Es begann mit einer Lüge" (It Began With a Lie). Since that time, German forces are not only permanently in the Balkans, but now Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya. It's just one convenient "humanitarian catastrophy" after another. In fact, in 2003, on the basis of the increasing number of covert and overt German military operations in foreign countries, the Militärischer Abschirmdienst was 'officially' authorized to act abroad. I put the word 'officially' in quotes, given that at least one Militärischer Abschirmdienst member, Andreas Strassmeir, was active in Oklahoma in 1995.

The “New” (read: craftier) Germany has achieved, through economic manipulation, the domination of Europe that Hitler (and Hohenzollern) sought by force. Germany's slow wresting of economic control began, not coincidentally, with Truman's Korean War. Read about Germany and the “Korea Boom.” Crafty as they now are, however, it's nontheless been excruciatingly difficult for all of Germany's new generation of imperialists to keep their Köpfen großen from showing, i.e., to keep their foot out of their mouth. In May, 2011, German president Horst Koehler boasted:

"...military intervention is necessary to uphold our interests trade routes.... jobs and income."

With this one slip of the tongue, Koehler seriously damaged decades of propaganda finesse crafted to airbrush Germany's military resurgence. Angela Merkel's frantic, damage-control response was that Koehler's "choice of words had been unfortunate." Ja, unfortunately truthful. Within two days, Koeler was canned for this “unfortunate” slip of the tongue. Btw, it's no coincidence that Koehler was also head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which organization has done more toward population reduction than the Pentagon.

And “peace-loving” Gerhard Schröder publicly condemned Bush's Iraq War, while covertly providing Bush with intelligence and matériel support for that war. After these facts were leaked, in April 2006 the German Parliament authorized an investigation into Schröder and the BND's role in Bush's war. But...err...just as with US Congressional resolutions to...hrrmph...conduct an “investigation,”, it went nowhere.

The Die Zeit letter is, in reality, war propaganda dressed in warm & fuzzy anti-war clothes. For example, the following statements:

“The Ukraine conflict shows that the quest for power and domination has not been overcome.”

LOL, this is psychological projection. Germany here is talking about itself. It's not Russians that are currently killing Ukrainians, but highly-paid proxies of the German government and banks.

“...Putin’s annexation of Crimea in violation of international law.” A flat-out lie.

“War in Europe Again? Not in Our Names!”

Make no mistake. Germany wants war, but on its own terms.

The clear agenda of TPTB is to, in the public eye, mold the US into the new villain of the world, and Germany into the new, reasonable, “humanitarian” savior. Witness Obama's choice of the term “American exceptionalism,” an over-the-top, faux-hubris term coined precisely and deliberately to engender the wrath of the entire world, as are the bombings of weddings and the torture of prisoners, which all experts know is totally useless for extracting any valuable information. All of this torture and wedding bombings are in reality a MSM reality TV show to inculcate in the minds of all peoples how horrible America is. Just like the so-called “leaking” of the Abu Ghraib abuses, with such well-staged photos. That faux “leaking”was intentional, just part of the reality TV show.

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