Sunday, December 14, 2014

America is not a monarchy and Obama is not our King.

If the truth be known, it is the Congress, not the President that runs this nation. The President cannot write laws (Executive Orders are unenforceable and have no legal standing.)

The Congress however, can declare war, appropriate and pass (authorize) the president's and Executive branch's budget. Make all rules and regulations for the land and naval forces. Is in charge of all military facilities and ports. Has the power to coin money and raise or lower taxes. Writes and must approve the entire budget of the United States and can call into service the president as Commander in Chief in the process of a Declaration of War. The power of impeachment and removal from office the president, and even Supreme Court Justices... Has the power to conduct Tribunals only inferior to the Supreme Court.
Must approve all treaties and agreements (not the pres) by a two thirds majority as well as a shit load of other enumerated and delegated powers that the president can only dream about having. This all verifiable by simply reading Article I of the US Constitution.

You may ask, why is it that the last four or five presidents have pretty much done what they damn well please at tremendous cost to the country and the people of the United States when they (Presidents) have none or very little of the power of Congress?

Time for a little critical thinking boys and girls. The president is not the king nor is the US a monarchy, but I suspect there are millions of Americans that cannot tell the difference between the two. The president is the Head of State representing the US to other nations he does not run our nation. That is left to the Congress and the Courts.

The reason the US is going down for the third time is because the Congress of the United States has been derelict in its duties. It has been corrupted and has whored itself to Wall Street and even foreign nations like Israel, which makes every member complicit in treason, malfeasance and organized criminal activity. It (and the president) is guilty of theft, bribery, wars of aggression, torture and has violated every one of the first Ten Amendments to the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights which BTW they all swore on a Bible to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. With a further Executive branch specification that the "The president faithfully execute all laws"

There are your culprits; presidents aren't shit when compared to the Constitutional power of the Congress. These ball-less eunuchs in office now could stop Obama and his NeoCon, Bolshevik, commie henchmen dead in their tracks if they wanted to but they've whored themselves to the same power elite as all the other branches of government have. The only way to save our country is get rid of every incumbent in Congress and start a fresh slate of real representatives and Senators that will honor their oaths of office and bring an out of control Executive to heel and the country back on an even keel.
If Congress would have been doing its job, the Electoral College could have elected Bonzo the Chimp president and the country will have run smoothly and our liberties would have been secure, so powerful the Legislative Branch is in keeping a run amok Executive on a short leash.. Wait a minute, I think we really did elect Bonzo the Chimp but was let off his leash and his Legislative keepers that just could (and preferred) not catch him.

Now the republican leadership is crowing about filing a suit against the Obama Administration for violating the separation of powers between the Executive Branch and the Congress. House Speaker Boehner is whining that Obama has been derelict in his responsibilities as President by attempting to rule by decree and bypassing the Legislative branch. Where have these dunces been for the last thirty years or so?

These mugs have turned a Constitutional crisis into a turf war that could be dragged out for years in a feeble attempt to pander to real Republicans and conservatives to maintain the criminal incumbency of all his and the democrat corporate crony lawmakers. The Democrats are pleased as punch over this development as it helps them maintain their own crooked incumbents by claiming victim status i.e. if you don’t reelect all our career crooked lawmakers the Republicans will surely take over the Senate and increase their ranks In the House. That proved prophetic but what now?

Well, here we go again! We are being played once again by two criminal syndicates that call themselves the Republican and Democrat Parties. Can they get away with this scheme against the American people again?
Jim barber

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