Saturday, January 18, 2014

As a taxpayer I am sooooooo impressed with the, ahem, results of this test to attempt to take over the airways.

The federal government and in particular Homeland Security should continue to hire and employ their engineering and technical personnel for projects like this, based on color, gender and sexual orientation instead of technical education, experience and competency (white guys). It is fitting that affirmative action should be the primary reason for these asinine, New World Order attempts to violate the 1st Amendment and enslave the rest of us.

Hey assholes at Homeland Security, listen up! Only white guys have the technical abilities to do the kind of evil shit you are planning to do to us. As a result of this slight regarding employment policies that excludes straight, white, technically competent males, the unemployed white guys are going (if they haven’t already) to do to you, what you are planning to do to us. I think a number of clandestine hackers have already proven their capabilities in making that point.

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