Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Couldn't make the cut anyway

It was indeed an unpopular war fought mostly by draftees, nine million of them as I recall. The arrogance of the majority of our generation that deliberately avoided serving was/is breathtaking.

I have news for all the ones that thought they were too important or too candyassed to serve, you most likely were not even sufficiently fit, mentally, physically or morally to have served. Only ten to fifteen percent of the males between 18 and 24 could have made the cut to serve our country. I know because I was one the guys that screened and tested them.

Most of us were told we were fighting for our our country and their freedom, OMG where have we heard that before? The fact is we were had! They took advantage of our patriotism and our youthful trust in government. That was a mistake that will not happen again.

Vietnam was the start of the Neocon inspired, corporate wars, at least for my generation anyway. The all volunteer, corporate mercenary forces of today were born back then in 1972 and so was the slide into despotism.

The ones that hated us most back then were from our own generation, draft dodging traitors like Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton and even GW Bush, that felt they had "more important things to do" and sniffed contemptuously at the "lower classes", that were compelled because of their social class to serve in uniform.

The other half were the flag waving morons that still think we should have "nuked em" or that we could have won if we wouldn't have had so many restrictions on killing more of the enemy. We killed three million of them and if we could just have killed another three million we could have won goes that fools premise.

The WWII guys called us losers and said we lost the War or that Vietnam wasn't "a real war." Every time someone says to we Vietnam vets, what can only be construed as insincere, "thank you for your service," Well I won't say how it makes me feel.
We were the convenient scapegoats for a failed policy of the Washington think tank war mongers and of course their defense contractor pals, that have brought us the destruction of our country for fun and profit today.

The one percent that have profited handsomely from looting America, killing off it's healthy male children and of course the segment of American Useful Idiots that worship and serve the one percent are the real traitors and should live in a country like the Soviet Union. Perhaps that is why these guys are trying so hard to turn America into a carbon copy of Stalin's USSR.

Reinstate a draft, by all means and do include females given all the equality they demand and no exemptions. You creme puffs can go to college after you serve your country. But most of all the wealthy elite that could afford to buy or bribe their way out of serving their country will have to learn some discipline. Let's see how many more wars they want to start when they will literally have some "skin in the game."

Not to worry though, most of this generation couldn't make the cut anyway, mentally, physically or morally. Today's recruiters and draft boards would be lucky to find ten percent of qualified, military age applicants if the standards of the sixties were once again used.

Let's stat a petition to reinstate the draft. They have retained all the the mechanisms for the draft the Draft Board and Registrations, so why not use them?

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