Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Congress Too Clever by Half

How many more times do the Republican (and Democrat) Neocons think they are going to get away with this scam. In this instance the Republican majority huffs and puffs and
feigns outrage that Obama wants to bring in 10,000 of these rag head terrorists
into the US to further their multicultural, mongrolization and adulteration of the white
American population.

Now here comes the Obama, vowing to veto the bill republicans have sent to him in a fit of righteous indignation, i.e. How dare the congress oppose my royal presidential decrees in destroying the white race in America with these brown savages, in order to further the Jew goals of Multiculturalism and diversity. Besides, the White Americans have to be made to pay for their past sins of racism and anti-Semitism.

Here's where the Republican leadership thinks they're clever, too clever by half I’ll proffer.

They will throw their hands up in false despair and frustration and then hand the American people another body blow with another lying excuse for those terrorists getting in here. These gutless criminals in Congress will be saying we just could not overturn his (Obama's) veto because the 288 votes needed to override his veto just
weren't there.

So now we, the American People will just have to get over it and take all these savages at their word that they are not terrorists with plans to kill a couple of hundred (White) Americans and let them move into our neighborhoods. You do know that none of these stinking Congressman (and women) traitors will ever be living next to these savages in their neighborhoods.

The lying sacks of shit have pulled this electoral rigged fraud over and over again so they can blame their criminal behavior on Obama. Obama doesn't really give a shit because he's not a White American anyway and he gets to bask in the smug arrogance of looking like he is a black Emperor and that Congress does not have the power to thwart his will.

But not all of us are stupid and know a scam when it's being played on us by the largest organized crime syndicate in the world called the United States Congress.
Listen up Congress; don't get too comfortable in your congressional splendor and fancy accommodations in Washington's Capitol Hill nests of thieves and traitors.

These pieces of shit think they're oh so clever, and I guess if you are one of the dim bulbs that voted for Obama or W, you wouldn't know the difference anyway.

Listen up Congress; don't get too comfortable in your congressional splendor and fancy accommodations in Washington's Capitol Hill nests of thieves and traitors.

Lots of you won't be making an encore appearance on Capital Hill’s theater of the absurd after the 2016 elections. Good riddance!

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