Monday, March 26, 2012

Total House (of Congress) Cleaning

March 25th, 2012 at 5:53 pm

I hope everyone realizes that if these Congressmen and senators are all returned this November at the usual 97% reelection rate we are all fucked.

Unless the House of Representatives and the Senate are purged of every member that has served more than two consecutive terms (meaning they are total whores to Wall Street banksters and the Global Fascist commies) it will be business as usual.

Obama just may get reelected with the likes of Romney being the opposition candidate (kind of like the brain addled McCain running last time) and this Congress does not have the balls or the inclination to impeach this traitor or even stop him if he decides to start WWIII.

Obama has literally gotten away with murder, treason, theft in office by paying off his pals in banking and Wall Street with our treasury. Looting the country as a whole, spying and violating almost every one of our Bill of Rights. Add to that war crimes and possible genocide, contempt of Congress and this guy doesn’t even care a farthing for the rule of law or the Constitution.

Now when your Congressman and Senators sit there and say and do nothing and allow this illegal immigrant traitor and foreign agent just to do as he damn well pleases, well it’s time to get yourselves some new lawmakers. And not the kind cut from the same Ivy League, wall street bankster criminal cloth we have been sending to Washington.

Time for some non lawyer, honest working stiffs to represent us. What the hell, Dubya could hardly put a coherent sentence together and he was elected president. He probably wouldn’t have made a good plumber either.

I think there’s a place in Washington for 435 Joe the Plumbers or any other guys that knows what it means to raise a family and live on a budget. Not the guys like Romney that tell us how they know all about meeting a payroll by screwing their employees out of their benefits.

I’ll say it again, if the same bunch is returned to Congress this Fall, we’re fucked

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