Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9th, 2011 at 5:03 pm

If Israel has determined that it is fair game to destroy all of Iran’s nuclear installations why is it not fair game for Iran to retaliate in kind?

Israel must realize that to attack Iran’s nuclear reactor which is operational and producing power will bring and instant retaliatory missile response from Iran. Are they just stupid or oblivious to the consequences of their ill conceived rhetoric and threats? I’m trying to figure out which bunch in tel Aviv or Washington are dumber, the Israelis or the US members of Congress and the pentagon.

In another blatant display of breathtaking stupidity, General Keane and other high pentagon and intelligence officials testified before Congress in October that they should assassinate a number of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s generals as they opined that the only thing Iran understands is when we shoot some of them. Say what?

There was an immediate response from Amir Ali Hajizadeh Iran’s Revolutionary Guard General that replied that “if they kill one of us we will kill dozens of them.”

Now did not the morons in both the Pentagon and congress expect that publicly threatening to assassinate high level officials in another country, especially one that we have been fucking with for years, might actually want to whack the guys back that are threatening to waste them? Even the dumbest organized crime figures can calculate that prospect.

It will be real interesting to hear the response from Hilary (she’s also on board regarding assassinating Iranian generals) and the other assholes running their mouths about shooting some high level Iranians to get their attention. They can’t possibly come back and say we are justified in assassinating your guys but you’re not supposed to do ours, and neither can the Israelis cry if Dimona is targeted for destruction in retaliation?

That will have the Iranians and the rest of the world rolling on the ground with laughter. How do these guys in Washington (and Israel) dream this shit up?

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